Tuesday 9 April 2013

Drink to Health

Tea is a natural product from a renewable foundation.
It also has no sodium, fat, carbonation, or sugar; it is virtually calorie-free and keeps you hydrated.
Tea contains flavonoids: compounds that have antioxidant properties. Antioxidants neutralise free radicals, helping us maintain our youth.
New findings from scientific studies continue to support the belief in tea’s health properties and benefits.
Research has explored the potential health attributes of drinking green and black tea, both of which are made from the camellia sinensis plant, and results reveal that both these drinks do similar good things to our insides.
Studies show that tea and tea flavonoids are great for our heart health, neurological health and cellular health.
Research demonstrates that drinking tea can help to lower cholesterol.
One Harvard study found a person who drank a cup or more of black tea per day had a 44 per cent reduced risk of having a heart attack.
And in a large population based study, adults who drank more than two cups of green tea every day reduced their risk of cardiovascular disease by more than 20 per cent!
In the US, a study by the Department of Agriculture found that people who drank five cups of black tea a day reduced their cholesterol by more than 10 per cent in just three weeks.
The benefits to gastrointestinal health from drinking tea are also evident in studies. One study found that women who drank 2.5 cups of tea a day had a reduced risk of rectal cancer risk.
A separate study found tea drinkers to have a reduced risk of colon cancer compared to non-tea drinkers. 
Further to this, a long-term study of close to 30,000 people showed that drinking three or more cups of tea per day was associated with a 69 per cent reduced risk of developing Parkinson’s disease.
We'll certainly drink to that!

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