Thursday 6 June 2013

What on Earth is a Tea Master?

Some people have said that when they hear the words "Tea Master" they envisage an ethereal, richly-robed monk mediating on a misty mountaintop. But this is not quite the case.
In the modern world, a new type of Tea Master is emerging: one that is confident in their knowledge of all things tea, and of course, can make a good cup.
There are three main points that are crucial in being a Tea Master. Here they are:
- A Tea Master has superior knowledge about tea, the different regions it comes from, and how it is processed.
- A Tea Master knows the best way to prepare each tea, whether it be white, green, oolong, black or puerh,  and does so with skill and confidence.
- A Tea Master is extremely passionate about tea, its health benefits and its cultural significance.
Mastering the art of tea is not something that comes over night, it is something that is earned through ongoing respect for tea and its practices.
And as one of our recent graduates, Renee Creer from Perfect South green tea company so eloquently puts it: "I feel like this certification is just the beginning of the journey, one that I hope I never master in a way, because it's always nice to learn something new."
To read Tea Master Renee Creer's blog, click here. To read more about becoming a Tea Master, click here.

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